Looking for a new green glaze

For a while I have been looking for a new green glaze to replace my oribe green. Problem with my oribe is that it’s thermal expansion wont fit the majority of the clay bodies I use. Asking the subs and my instagram peeps they suggested a glaze called spearmint; A cone 6 oxidation non clear green with melting potential , almost perfect, a little too dark, but i’m playing with it. I decided to (as i usually do) to test the base to see if the clay will craze, pit, crawl, anything like that; everything turned out fine. Then i used 3 more test tiles with ramping rutile and copper levels untill i get the original glaze recipe or spearmint.

rutile to copper: R/C (Tiles from left to right)

tile 1: 2% /1%

tile 2: 4% / 3%

tile 3: 6% / 4% aka the original recipe.

spearmint glaze all the way on the right..jpeg

The middle tile seems to have the most potential.

as a bonus I threw in 2% silicone carbide to se what would happen. accidentally made a lava glaze -_- Seth likes these kind of glazes so i sent him the recipe via instagram for making the lava glaze on purpose.

spearmint glae + 2% silicone carbide cone 6 ox.jpeg




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