Lumos has been added

For those of you who've been following me for quite some time you most likely know about my lumos recipe that I discovered a long time ago. Instead of acting as a glaze on its own mostly gets used as a sort of additive to other glazes in order to make them melt. This causes a wide array of colors to form even at regular cone six with a no hold. As I have been using glazy more recently I've decided to put the recipe with a few pictures up there and share this recipe.

Link here :

as an added bonus you can very easily test this glaze yourself and add a review as well as pictures. A lot of the time in my glaze recipe videos I will use this as a type of melting agent although it is a good glaze by itself. A few people were asking me for it so I decided to put it here, on glazy, as well as announce it on my Instagram ;) have fun.


Looking for a new green glaze


My crystal glaze- Dune Glow