Van Gilders Crocus Martis experiments in Cone 6 Oxidation

Recently I have been experimenting with a glaze called “Van Gilders crocus Martis” Link to recipe here . On this recipe page Crosus Martis, an iron colorant with sulfur attached, being put up against R.I.O ( red iron oxide). I had been looking for this chemical for a very long time and once I found someone who sold it I tried to recreate the results shown on the glazy recipe page.

Of curse I almost always test a glaze in my tester kiln but because the heat work is different I understand the test tile that comes out will show the potential of the glaze far more than accurate results. The first photo is Crocus martis (CM) in the tester kiln with a white stone ware test tile mug while the second and third are the same test tile and clay body (front and back)

Every one of these test tiles are at cone 6 oxidation at 1.38 S.G

The next two test tiles are the same glaze but glazed in my 1027 kmt (still at cone 6 oxidation) photo 4 is a red clay body while photo 5 and 6 is a porcelain clay (front and back)

Here is the one that hit me. This Last test tile is the same glaze base and percentage colorant; Cone 6 oxidation, 1.38 S.g BUT the only difference is I used R.I.O ( red iron oxide) instead of the crocus martis chemical.

Porcelian test tile front to back.

I’m sorry Red Iron Oxide. Ill never question you again.


Blending glaze?


Crocus martis