I'm at your neck AC

I’m slowly razoring down the things that are needed to create the (as of now) discontinued glaze, Ancient Copper. This latest try had given me a huge bump in the right direction. When I first started making glazes I was told there are a few glaze that serve as big hurdles; oxidation reds, a good clear glaze, good crystal glazes. Getting the right red was vital to my learning curve. Now, with figuring out the AC recipe ( or at least my own version of it) I need to stack that knowledge and figure out what’s making these small crystals. Here are the pictures from my latest trial. I am very close. It seems like I have accidently made a glaze all it’s own on the way to making AC. I will call this one , Guilmon.

Two things I’ve learned about these types of glazes.

1 It needs to be a little thick.

2 needs about 10-15% iron

3 If I'm going to get AC it needs to be more fluid. Meaning I need it to run.

4 and this makes me a little mad…. It's a matt glaze…..

The goal for the next experiment is to just take add alumina and add either silica and flux or zinc alone. Hopefully one of these paths lead to being runnier or gives it some type of crystal development. If you look reeeeeeally close you can see small amount of alumina developing in the glaze. There is hope but I need to Bring this out by adding or taking something away.


I’m at your neck AC prt 2


Iron chromate Breakthrough