Strong arming zinc (It didn't work)
I know this might be a little bit of a “ no duh” moment, but, i’m slowly learning the limits of zinc as it applies to opacity. Zinc at a certain percentage not only helps crystal glazes but it also changes glazes that have more of a Matt look (more alumina) at about 4-5%. it often starts turning it more white and less clear, I.E more opaque. Usually High levels of zinc in a glaze with low alumina and low silica would result in a crystal glaze. Doing my line tests for a Matt red glaze this becomes very apparent. The three next pictures you’ll see are a line test with zinc.
This to me at least is a insane change for an increasing amount of one mineral. Especially with direct sunlight you can really see the zinc making the glaze more opaque over time. I have read about this happening on digital fire but to someone like me who really needs to experience things for them to cement as fact, this is major.